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The Micron SAFER automotive memory blog series
Vehicles on the road today are packed with more features than ever before, and it has become increasingly important for automotive electronic and electrical systems to meet rigorous safety standards. In our blog series, we'll discuss how Micron's SAFER framework enables our customers to make more informed decisions about automotive memory solutions.
ASIL-rated systems
Functional safety is the absence of unreasonable risk due to hazards caused by failures or unintended behaviors of electrical and electronic systems. The Automotive Safety Integrity level (ASIL) is measured by exposure, controllability and severity, where the corresponding ASIL level reflects the severity of harm vs. the probability of occurrence. ASIL-A is the least stringent and ASIL-D is the most stringent.
Certified ISO 26262 ASIL-D Functional Safety Compliant
View the Micron functional safety certificates for LPDDR5(opens in a new tab) and Hardware Development Management Process(opens in a new tab).
Micron delivers ISO 26262 safety solutions
Achieve full compliance to a given ASIL level by including the ISO 26262 requirements of your product’s lifecycle. Select Micron safety-optimized products include innovative features to help you achieve aggressive FIT targets / ASIL levels.